Saturday, November 06, 2010

I Have Failed the 80s. (Yes, you did read that right.)

I've got Wham! on Pandora and can only hope that a little 80s can inspire me to greatness. If not the 80s then what? Possibly the early 90s? No later than that, certainly.

I remember, as a kid, thinking all those 80s girls were so glamorous. I wanted their permed and poofed bangs, their off the shoulder sweatshirts, and leg warmers. Now I realize those bangs took a lot of hairspray, they probably weren't wearing bras, and leg warmers are still awesome.

I wanted to be a babysitter thanks to Adventures in Babysitting and save a world by riding on a fluffy white dragon. I have fallen far short of my dreams for while I have been a babysitter I never traipsed over a city with kids in tow and sang the Babysitting Blues and though I do have a fluffy white dog he is not a dragon and not large enough to ride. I also, in naming him, failed to name him Falcor.

Is it possible to recover from such setbacks when one is all ready 27? I have my doubts.



Cate said...

I do believe you will recover! The 80's weren't 'all that.'

Michael Koenig said...

I watched never-ending story about a year ago and it holds up surprisingly well. That dragon dog thing is awesome.

BokaGirl said...

I was walking to the parking garage after work on Friday, and I saw a dog that looked EXACTLY like Falcor. And he was almost big enough to ride. I say give it more time. There may be time to save the world via a giant dragon-dog yet...

Liz B said...

The eighties were far better in retrospect than in reality. Looking back on it, you can pick and choose those aspects of the decade you can channel, and leave the other ones behind. Really frosted lipstick, for example, belongs in Dallas and not on my face. Hairspray is just dandy for making my hair not move at all (when I have enough of it) but should not be used for the Baltimore Poof. Blue eyeshadow, just fine if you use it for startling effect and go with something interesting like a brilliant vivid lime green and white to contrast. And, well. There's always Literal Music Videos.