Monday, October 25, 2010

A Hitch in the Homework

None of the video will save. I don't know what I'm doing differently on the PC, but I can't get any video to save. To even offer me the option of saving. I will have to go to class early in order to have everything ready to go when class actually begins. I find this frustrating.

As was the struggle to find a topic that would in any way be relevant to life. I think I've decided on using Dreamweaver for my final project but what I want to do is a little bit scary. At least for a novice web page-er. (Yes, I make up words daily. So should you.) Also, it is in no way relevant to iMovie making.

What helps? This video about personal hygiene. One of the many I have come across as I have been looking for video for my project. Oh, wacky military. You are so silly.

What else would help? Having my very own iMovie expert residing in a shirt pocket. But if wishes were horses, we'd all be walkin' in poo.


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