I think I'm done with the webpage. Just waiting to see if I can upload everything to my student web space. If I do/am personally able then I will really be all done. Except for finishing up the paper. Oh, the paper. Where I get to chat about all my foibles and follies and want-to-smash-the-computer moments over the last weeks.
Sounds like good readin'.
But this waiting on the H drive to become available makes me sad. I wouldn't have left it until the last minute except that I had no intention of trying to upload the page until the last minute. I finally decided on my text color--yeah, still not sure, but going with it--and thought: I should try to upload this!
I mean, once you see the page you'll understand how really technical I got just creating it. I mean, with its super static layout and one text box. So, sure I can figure this out. Totally.
Hope all your webspaces are done and done beautifully.
If you do work out how to do it, please let me know. I have the files ready but do not know how on earth to get the H drive to recognize them.
never mind; worked it out.
I think we worked it out around the same time.
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