Sunday, October 10, 2010

Feathers and Leather

I believe that Eddie Izzard's hilarity is in direct proportion to how hot his clothes are. The better the clothes--particularly pants and shoes--the better the comedy. Thanks to Netflix I have come up with this theory, the basis for my future doctoral thesis. I'm quite excited.

I mean, I've been searching for what to do with my life. First and english degree, then an MFA. What was I planning with those? But no. Now, now I know. I excel at TV watching. In a practical vein I might say I want to become a TV writer--but I'd rather write a thesis on comedy linked to a comedian's fashion. I can sound smarmy. And be called Dr. I can get money for talking about my findings and make appearances on I Love the [Insert Decade Here]. What's not to love?

Cake or Death? A little Muttley with your Bond? He's wearing hot black pants and high-heeled shoes for both. Trust me. Be guided by his clothes.

Also, just enjoy. He makes history and language funny. And really is dressed to kill.



Liz B said...

My favorite so far (and keep in mind I haven't seen Sexie or any of his newer stuff) is definitely the bright orange velvet double-breasted jacket he wore for Definite Article. Although the iridescent pantsuit from what was it, Glorious, is delightful.

Tabitha said...

That's the one I was watching last night!