Saturday, September 04, 2010

Take Two, Electric Boogaloo

So, I began this class last semester. Well, I took an hour of this class last semester, but, when I found out that it would be offered again in the fall (rather than in the spring) I decided to make space in the crowded room.

Also, having no computer or internet last time around I was concerned about the amount of time I would be spending in computer labs. Not, of course, that the situation has changed, but I'm planning to change it within the next couple of weeks. I'd rather be blogging and creating in my house, in my pjs, with a cup of hot chocolate and the dogs snoring at my feet (or, more likely, dropping their damp tennis balls on my feet in order to distract me).

On bringing my apartment into a world of technology, I will keep you posted.

Which brings us up to date, I believe, in the LV saga.


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