Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Not For Kids

Yes, I did indeed love the books where I got to make decisions for the characters. I even still own one or two and have, over the years, traveled back through their possible ends.

Of course, on-line, they exist all over the place as hypertext narratives. And one I've found, and enjoyed, has to come with a warning: This choose-your-own story is not for kids. It is hilarious. It is ridiculous. But it is definitely not for kids. Still, I think you too should Select Your Destiny, a mini-mock from I-Mockery.com.

Book 1, which I've provided the handy link for, is funny enough that you might want more. And that's where the page fails a little. You basically just have to use their search engine to find the books two through whatever. (Although, since the site is all ready getting its Halloween on, the Halloween Select Your Destiny is easy to find.  Plus, the search engine is very effective.)

On the upside, the choices always fall as links at the end of the selection and, provided you've chosen wrong, you get a snarky start-over message to get you back on track.

What could any adult want more?



Cate said...

Finally, humor and cursing in a choose your own adventure story. I love the redirect at the end of a bad choice. If only I could get a redirect in life.

Tabitha said...


Kimberley Lynne said...

I love the I-Mockery icon superhero and the narrative is hilarious with equally funny images. As random as the hyperlink choices are so are some plot turns, but the author keeps it all archetypal so we can relate. I like the deadend redirections too so the author really does direct one clear path for the readers to take.
And, LV, thanks for inspiring me to write better posting titles. And I like the email follow up option.

BokaGirl said...

These were so much more fun than the Indiana Jones ones my brother had. Win! :)