Monday, September 27, 2010

Magic Talking Box

I have entered the millennium. I have internet. I have Netflix. I can't believe I've been missing out on all this awesome. Why didn't someone tell me?!

I mean, of course people did tell me. But they didn't make it clear. They didn't mention that I could watch movies from 1985 as well as last year's Shark Week. I can get as much Mike Rowe (who I am obsessed with) as I want. I can finish watching Buffy, the series. I can sing-along with Doris Day. Every day.

I still don't have anything but rabbit-eared reception for my television, but with so much to catch up on I can only think that if I did get something better I would never do my homework, make dinner, heck, get up off my bed.

How have the rest of you been functioning with your Hulu, and your delivered daily movies, DVRs, tv on your phone, Facebook on your electronic book reader?

There's so much goodness--and badness!--to be watched, scanned, read, mocked that I can't even conceive a schedule in which I could get to it all.

And I want to. I want it all.

Or maybe that's just the soda talking.



Liz B said...

You're just like me--rabbit-ears for TV and Netflix on the internets.

The answer is a) eschew the sink that is Facebook and b) get yourself a selection of sites that you read every day. Mine include Huffington Post (so that I can get angry at the idiot pseudoscience woo articles); Crooks and Liars, Daily Kos, Pharyngula, Jezebel, Pandagon, and the local news. At home it's Something Awful and Netflix.

Who've you got internet from? I'm using Clear and I want to have their babies after two years of godawful Verizon DSL.

Michael Koenig said...

I think the importance of these technologies is not to waste more time with them but rather to improve the time you spend watching TV. Hulu is awesome because you can watch great old shows instead of crappy "reality TV that seems to flood most networks. Same goes for on Demand and Netflix. I don't think these things make me watch more TV/Movies but it does allow me to watch stuff I like.

That said I refuse to buy an Xbox because that could easily distract me for hours a day.

Tabitha said...

Liz, I'm going to have to bookmark your pages. I, too, am using Clear--it being the cheapest way to go. I'm also enjoying it. The last couple days Netflix has been a little slow with it, but when it pauses to buffer I concentrate on the homework I'm doing, or do a load of dishes, or make dinner. (Prior to the last couple days, it was extremely speedy. So I'm guess it was just weather.)

Mike, I concur. This week, I have watched Swamp Thing and Return of Swamp Thing. I reccomend both. I have a Wii on which, if the connector I bought hadn't been faulty, I would be watching TV and typing this. I don't have much in the way of games and lost, somewhere, Wii Sports--to which I have lost many hours. But I do want an Xbox. My preference for hack and slash games really makes me want it.