Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Good Author, Bad Page

I love Science-Fiction and Fantasy stories. I say this now because it will likely be a theme. Also, I want everyone to know that the author whose page I dislike is also an author that I like to read. (At left is the cover art for a collaboration she did with one of the best sci-fi authors, Anne McCaffrey)

Jodi Lynn Nye, for such a successful sci-fi/fantasy writer, has a page that is amateruish at best. The writing is funny and smart, but the cat-themed graphics and backgrounds don't scream professional. On top of that, the first page is oddly placed cover art and random links to her different books.

As a new reader, I would want an idea of who/what I was checking out when I hit up her site. As there isn't much on this first page, I might veer quickly away based only on graphics. As someone who knows her work, I'm more interested in news and upcoming books, both of which you have to navigate away from the main page to find.

The information, though, is well organized and easy to find. But her layout and look definitely need some help.

Still, she's worth reading. And, she goes to my favorite place on earth: Dragon*Con.  You should too.



Liz B said...

Wow, I'm a little surprised how cheap and Geocities that page looks. I haven't read much Nye--is she sort of in the same genre as McCaffrey?

I loved McCaffrey so much when I was young. Then I sort of got tired of the clodhoppingly simple writing.

Tabitha said...

I enjoy the simplicity! I mean, Cannery Row is linguistically beautiful, but not every sentence need be so complex.

As for Nye, yep. She's more fantasy than sci-fi, but she's written quite a bit with McCaffrey. And it is shockingly cheap looking.

Tabitha said...

And I mean, not every sentence in every book. Steinbeck's, though, is spot on.