Monday, December 06, 2010

The End?

Yup, this is my last official class post. I don't know if I'm going to keep up with this blog. I could. I do like the title. But definitely not three times a week. I'm simply not interesting enough for that. And, if I'm blogging so much I'm not out doing things to blog about. I'm definitely taking the rest of December off, though, and then I'll decide whether or not to come back to the blog-o-world. I have considered a Not So Southern blog, all about me--sort of southerner--here in the icy, windy north. My first year in Baltimore was filled with funny mishaps, often because of this cultural gap. The second has been less so, but then I haven't been out and about as much either. Since I don't work and I have inernet at home, I don't spend quite as much time on the streets as I used to do. Not that I was "working the streets" but I walked on them, ran into people, saw many a man peeing in a bus stop, slipped on banana peels, accidentally protested Constellation energy.

My life has gotten entirely too dull in the last six months. Well, maybe I'll continue this blog just to force myself to go out and report on Baltimore and reconnect with my life of mishap.

In the meantime, there are still weevils in the tack, I'll be in the fighting tops for our next engagement, and Quig's been banned from cards until he pays what he owes. Finally, the honorable General Erastus B. Tyler is coming aboard and that's something to look forward too.


Sunday, December 05, 2010

After Thursday

When I left the lab today everything was working. When I got home, nothing was. Of course, as it turns out my code just won't work in Internet Explorer. Which I'm great with. It is, according to a friend, working just peachy in Mozilla. So, huzzah!

I'm half through with all three revisions. Well, with two revisions, I can't guess on the fiction piece. There are colostomy bags, frozen babies, and pirate hunters. They make it difficult to guess where everything is going. What's up for when all the fun is done? Buying a winter coat. Finding a part-time job. Reading. So many things I want to read. And a Christmas tree.

But, first, a party for editorial style. That's right. Wine and food at Arthur's house. I'm always a little weirded out by going to professors' houses. Is this just me? Just my own awkwardness with authority? Something left over from elementary school? Am I the only one? (Like Highlander. Good movie. Except for the one, which is not.)

Oh, well, forward to the awkward! (And  maybe a piano.)


Saturday, December 04, 2010


So, despite a week in WV in which I did not have any access to the Creative Suite I am nearly done with my e-pub page. I uploaded everything but one page, which I will complete tomorrow morning. I'm very excited. I asked my FB friends for help, but if anyone out there has the time and wants to user test my site I would appreciate it:

Not-So-Southern Magnetic Cockney

Like it, hate it, see major mistakes? I would appreciate any and all feed back. Just remember, the Fill-in-the-blank page has not been posted to the internet so that link will be dead. Hope all is going well with your projects!
